Chair Massage is an excellent chance to break the stress of a busy day providing a moment of relief.

Chair Massage Events

Chair Massage is an opportunity to receive a brief massage and enjoy the health benefits of relaxation.  It's an excellent chance to break the stress of a busy day providing a moment of relief.

Chair Massage is provided at your location, within a 10-mile radius of our school.  The chair massage treatments are typically scheduled on 15- or 20-minute intervals.  The recipient has the opportunity to receive a sample massage while being fully clothed with the added convenience of being brief and on location.

The school can provide as many as 4 chairs with practitioners addressing the back, shoulders, neck, head, arms and hands.

Chair Massage is a valuable service provided on location by Licensed Therapists and Student Practitioners.  There is a fee associated with Chair Massage at your location.  The school will provide an estimate related to the number of massage chairs, practitioners, travel distance, and time on location.

Contact the school to review the opportunities for relaxation and health available to you at your location. We require 3-4 weeks notice to schedule and event.

(919) 783-6195 or